**During academic year 2016-17, I was on research leave in fall at UNC’s IAH and in spring at the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies in Princeton, NJ.**
Keywords: territory, development, state formation, nationalism, nature-society relations, agrarian studies, Southeast Asia
Sample publications:
Lentz, Christian C. “The Archive, the Road, and the Field Between: Towards a Geography of Vietnam’s Black River Region,” in Historical Anthropology in Highland Southeast Asia: Methods, Contexts, and Ethics in the Uplands of Socialist Asia, Pierre Petit and Jean Michaud, eds. (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2024), pp. 32-51.
Lentz, Christian C. and Scott Kirsch. 2024. “Postcolonial conflict in Southeast Asia: rethinking
the shatterbelt with colonial rupture in Asia’s Cold War,” pp. 128-148 in Making Geographies
of Peace and Conflict, C. Flint and K. Dempsey, eds. (New York: Routledge, 2024).
Lentz, Christian C. 2017. “Cultivating subjects: Opium and rule in postcolonial Vietnam.” Modern Asian Studies 51 (4): 879-918.
Lentz, Christian C. 2015. “Encountering everyday perspectives on the American War.” Geopolitics 20(4): 753-756.
Lentz, Christian C. 2014. “The king yields to the village? A micropolitics of statemaking in Northwest Vietnam.” Political Geography 39 (Mar): 1-10.
Lentz, Christian C. 2013. “Mountain Village Head,” pp. 65-7 in
Figures of Southeast Asian Modernity. J. Barker, E. Harms, and J. Lindquist, eds (Honolulu: Univ of Hawaii Press.)
Lentz, Christian C. 2011. “Making the Northwest Vietnamese.” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 6(2): 68-105.
*Winner of Vietnam Studies Group graduate student
essay prize, Association of Asian Studies (2011).
*Special issue on Hidden Histories and Submerged Stories from Northwest Vietnam. Bradley C. Davis & Christian C. Lentz, eds.
Lentz, Christian C. 2011. “Mobilization and State Formation on a Frontier of Vietnam.” Journal of Peasant Studies 38(3): 559-586.
*Winner of Philip Taietz graduate student essay prize,
Development Sociology, Cornell University (2010).